Dumpster Residents Bulk Pickup Form

Waste Management offers a FREE monthly bulk pickup service for stack unit residents, and townhome residents who do not use the trash & recycling toters.

Townhome residents with toter service
If you are a townhome resident who use the green trash & recycling toters, call Waste Management to schedule your free bulk pickup from your driveway.  Do not submit the online form below.  Visit our Trash/Recycling & Bulk PIckup page for details.

Townhome residents who do NOT use the trash & recycling toters MUST use the online form below.  WM will NOT pick up bulk items from townhomes who do not use toters.

Submit Your Bulk Pickup Request

Submit the online form below to request a free pick-up of your bulk item, which needs to be placed in the nearest numbered dumpster enclosure.  The deadline to submit your request is the last Monday of each month. WM will schedule the pick-up on the second or third Saturday of the following month.

  1. View our dumpster enclosure map and select the number of the nearest dumpster enclosure to place your bulk item for pick-up.
  2. Fill out and submit the online form below.  Limit is 2 bulk items.
  3. Wait for an email with instructions on when to place your bulk item(s) in the numbered dumpster enclosure. DO NOT place your bulk item(s) in the dumpster enclosure until you receive instructions.
NOTE:  WM will ONLY pick up items that have been submitted by the deadline via the online form below.  They will NOT pick up any other bulk items that are placed in the dumpster enclosures "at the last minute".  Any bulk items left in the dumpster enclosures after the WM pick-up will be considered illegal dumping in which the HOA will charge back a dumping fee to the responsible RSJ homeowner.